Marilyn Nesbitt
Welcome to DiskUs Publishing. Created from a dream stirred by electrons in 1995 when our presence was only a small physical bookstore & Desktop Publishing Service, DiskUs Publishing is proud of the strides it has made since its World Wide Web launch in the early hours of 1996. We set out with one goal in present readers with a variety of quality fiction and non-fiction in as many formats as necessary for them to enjoy reading books in electronic bindings.
Little did we realize in the beginning that we, as a publisher, would be featured as a pioneer in the development of the epublishing industry in the likes of the Wall Street Journal, TIME magazine, Publisher's Weekly, Wired, Salon and a host of other publications. Nor, did we foresee publishing the #1 best selling ebook of 1999, the first year such rankings were kept. But we did and we have...and we continue to strive for the best and the brightest...bringing to readers the kind of entertainment and information they've come to expect from DiskUs Publishing.
© DiskUs Publishing
Carol Davis: Senior Editor (Current) Jim Davis: Senior Editor - Formatting and Design (Current) Alice Schurch: Sr. Acquisitions Editor (Current) Meridith Bertram: Acquisitions Editor (Current) Ruth Solomon: Inspirational and Children's Editor (Current) Elizabeth Delisi: Editor Jennifer Daily: Editor (Current) Holly Janey: Submissions Editor (Current) Leta Nolan Childers: Artist James Farris: Artist Kimberly Gaona: Artist Susan Scott: Artist & Illustrator Melinda Zimmerman: Artist (Current) Candi Michaels: Artist (Current) Mandi Turner: Artist (Current) Natalie Mercer: Artist (Current) Janette Dixon: Artist (Current) Teresa Grover: Artist (Current)![]()