Read these guidelines closely!

Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be immediately rejected unread!

General Submission Guidelines

1) We accept books either by e-mail or regular post.

2) We do not accept Erotica or Pornography of any kind.

3) We do not accept books that espouse hate-speech.

4) We prefer that books be submitted via e-mail.

All e-mailed book submissions must adhere to the following:

1) The e-mail must contain a subject head that reads "DISKUS - BOOK SUBMISSION". Failure to do this will cause your submission to be rejected by our anti-spam filters and we won't even know you sent it.

2) The e-mail must have as an attachment the COMPLETE and FINISHED copy of your manuscript in .DOC, or .RTF format. Failure to include a complete, finished copy of the manuscript with your submission will cause your work to be immediately rejected with no further correspondence forthcoming.

3) The manuscript must follow the guidelines below.

4) Your e-mail must be in the form of a standard query letter, and include the following information:

5) E-mail submissions must be sent to ---submissions @  diskuspublishing.  com---  (take out spaces)


All submissions sent by regular mail must adhere to the following:

1) Your package must contain a self-addressed mailer with the correct return mail postage already applied, including International Reply Coupons if you are mailing a submission from outside the United States. If you do not include a self-addressed mailer with the correct return mail postage, your manuscript WILL NOT BE RETURNED TO YOU. Do NOT expect us to attach postage for you or re-use your original mailer. Note: On your return label, use STAMPS, not metered postage! Many post offices in the US will NOT accept metered postage for SASE return packages, due to 9/11 concerns, and this is particularly true of the Indiana post offices, where your package will be mailed from to get it back to you. This isn't something we can fix, so use STAMPS on your return package, NOT metered postage.

2) Your package must contain a COMPLETE and FINISHED copy of the book in .DOC or .RTF format. Failure to include a complete, finished copy of the manuscript with your submission will cause your work to be immediately rejected with no further correspondence forthcoming. The manuscript must be on either CD, Diskette,  100 or 250 mb zip disk, Smartmedia card, mmc/sd card, Compact Flash card, ms/ ms pro cardthe diskette formatted in ISO-standard (so it can be read on a Windows machine).

3) The manuscript must follow the guidelines we have stated.

4) You must include with your package a standard query letter, and include the following information:

5) Postal submissions must be sent to the following address:

DiskUs Publishing
C/O Marilyn Nesbitt
P.O. Box 475
Eaton, IN 47338

Note: Never mail the only copy you have of your manuscript to anyone, mail can get lost please send a copy.


Notes on the above:

1) DO NOT ask us to visit a website to view your work. All submissions asking us to view your work in any way other than what we have specified above will be ignored. We do not have the time to visit every author's website.

2) Follow the above guidelines exactly. All submissions that do not follow the above guidelines will be immediately rejected. We get literally hundreds of submissions a day, and if you do not submit in the correct format, your work will not be read or replied to.


Special Guidelines for "DiskUs Quick-Picks" and "DiskUs Confessions":

1) Shorter fiction and non-fiction; short stories and novellas.

2) Length: Minimum--1500 words. Maximum--15,000 words.

3) E-mail submissions only.

4) Send complete manuscript to and include "DiskUs Quick Picks" or "DiskUs Confessions" in the subject line.

5) Query should include word length, genre and a brief description along with your return email address.


Format and Style Guidelines:

1) The manuscript must be double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, Courier New or Ariel, with paragraphs indented by tabs.

2) Each page should be numbered with author's name and title of book added.

3) Please use either .DOC or .RTF for your submissions.

4) The first page at the top of your manuscript must contain the following information in this format:

Street Address
City, State and ZIP
Phone and/or e-mail

Word Count = Approx. xxx,000


(Subtitle Of Manuscript)
(C) 2005 BY


Body of Manuscript Starts Here

5) The body of your manuscript should be double spaced (yes, we're mentioning it again, it's important).

6) Do NOT use "curly quotes". Use regular quotes. The reason is because "curly quotes" often do not present correctly in many electronic formats, such as HTML.

7) Do not use underline to draw attention to a word.  

8) DO present a professional manuscript, following the Chicago Manual of Style whenever possible. Some deviation for artistic style is permissible, but if you think correct style, spelling and grammar aren't important, then you aren't likely to get your work published anywhere.

9) Following common typographer's conventions for electronic publications, you CAN use " - " to substitute for em-dashes. That's space-dash-space to indicate an em-dash. It is faster to type, and on a computer screen, is often easier for people to read.

10) DO use three asterixes (* * *) centered on the page to indicate scene breaks and/or POV breaks within chapters.

11) DO act professionally regarding your submission, particularly if you are asked for revisions or if editing is necessary. This is a part of the normal publishing process. It's called a "submission", not a "demand."

We look forward to receiving your work - but please make sure to follow the above guidelines.
Thank you!

{Click here to view sample contract.}   


© DiskUs Publishing

At this time DiskUs Publishing is closed for submissions Submissions at the current time are by invitation only.

We will reopen for submissions in the near future.

If you are a DiskUs author, please email Marilyn with your submission.

Make sure to put Diskus in the subject line so your email won't go to the spam folder.

We get thousands of submissions each month and our editors need time to get through the current ones.

Keep checking this page for updates on the status of our submissions reopen date.


Until then happy reading.

Remember if you are a DiskUs author, please email Marilyn with your submission.

Make sure to put Diskus in the subject line so your email won't go to the spam folder.