Maybalene Carter

Maybalene Carter lives in the mountains of Colorado with her cats, Mitzi and Betsy and her dog Charlie. She enjoys gardening in the greenhouse that her father helped her build and bicycling, but her favorite thing in the whole world is reading and writing. Being stuck in the mountains for weeks at a time her love of reading and writing keeps her sane. It opens up a whole new world that lets her live any life that she wants to.

She is currently working on more confessions and a few short stories.

DiskUs Confessions

My Heart Belongs To A Murderer

Maybalene Carter

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Marie wanted to hate

Tony when she learned

that he was a murderer

but she couldn't help herself.  

How could she love

someone who had taken

someone else's life?

She couldn't understand her heart.

I Was A Prisoner In My Own Home

Maybalene Carter

$1.00 PDF--
$1.00 HTML--

Life couldn't get much

worse for Brenda

.....or could it?


My Father-in-Law

Helped Me Conceive My Children

Maybalene Carter

$1.00 PDF--
$1.00 HTML--

A man desperate for an

heir will do anything

when he finds out that

his son is sterile.

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